Career Accelerate Program Suite

Short Course Programs (Half and Full Day)

Introduction to Presentation Skills

This program is aimed at individuals who are seeking to develop and enhance their foundational awareness and understanding of basic presentation skills. 

At the completion of the workshop participants will be able to:

  • Plan a presentation, including content and structure
  • Describe the target audience for a presentation
  • Identify presentation tools and aids
  • Give a short presentation within the group on a topic of choice

Introduction to Managing Workplace Priorities

This program is aimed at individuals, who are seeking to develop and enhance their foundational skills in organising and prioritising their workplace priorities and responsibilities.

At the completion of the workshop participants will be able to:

  • Establish personal work goals
  • Set and meet work priorities
  • Use technology effectively and efficiently
  • Identify some strategies to eliminate distractions

Effective Time Management

In this workshop, participants will learn how their current time management practices effect the ability to complete work effectively and analyse and identify opportunities for improvement. They will also gain the ability to plan, set goals, prioritise more effectively, reduce time wastage and avoid procrastination. These strategies will result in greater efficiencies, reduced stress, higher levels of job satisfaction and a more desirable work-life balance.

At the completion of the workshop you will:

  • have a better understanding of effectively setting goals and objectives
  • be able to create plans and schedules for work activities
  • begin to understand how to prioritise effectively and delegate
  • use digital tools to improve efficiency
  • have greater awareness of time wasters, and some strategies to reduce levels of procrastination.

Introduction to Effective Teamwork

This program is aimed at individuals, who are seeking to develop and enhance their awareness and knowledge of skills to build and support effective teamwork.

At the completion of the workshop participants will be able to:

  • Describe qualities of an effective team
  • Identify and describe behaviours that support effective teamwork.

Effective Communication Skills

The ability to communicate effectively is a critical skill required for success in both personal and professional contexts. This workshop will provide participants with a strong understanding of the communication process, how to identify different communication styles and how to tailor communication to ensure effective interactions as well as achievement of required outcomes.

Outcomes for this course will help individuals to tailor their communication strategies and techniques to ensure effective interactions with a range of audiences, including other individuals, teams, and larger audiences. This can assist to contribute to the achievement of personal, team, and organisational goals.

The workshop will provide you with:

  • a strong understanding of the communication process
  • how to identify different communication styles
  • how to tailor communication to ensure effective interactions.

Introduction to Managing Workplace Relationships

This workshop will provide participants with a foundational awareness and understanding of skills to build and maintain workplace relationships. This program is offered to individuals, who are seeking to better manage their current work role responsibilities or to expand their skills set to access employment or promotion.

At the completion of the workshop participants will be able to:

  • Describe team communication tools and strategies
  • Gather ideas and feedback from team members
  • Identify tools and strategies to build trust within a team
  • Describe strategies to manage differences of opinion and perspective
  • Identify potential barriers to establishing and maintaining positive workplace relationships.